BIll 1360 Has Been Scheduled for April 26th.

This is our only chance to have them push it through to the floor. If they vote against it, it dies, and we have to wait 2 more years to submit another! Call, email, and fax your stories. Be positive in your letters as not to put anyone on the defensive.

Great news! Senate Bill 1360 has been scheduled for a public hearing before the Senate Health & Human Services Committee on Tuesday, April 26, 2011. The meeting will be held in the Senate Chamber starting at 9am. SB1360 is the fifth bill on the list, so will likely be heard before lunch.

Thank you to everyone who called Senator Jane Nelson's office and the other H&HS Committee members. It really helped!

Don't forget: Our briefing packet and advocacy docs are available online here:

Posted on behalf of DSC and Working Committee by JDK.

Contact these Senators on the Health and Human Services Committee:

Bob Duell 512 463 0102   (Fax) 512.463.7202

Joan Huffman 512 463 0117 (Fax) 512.463.0639

Robert Nichols 512 463 0103 (Fax) 512.463.1526

Dan Patrick 512 463 0107 (Fax) 512.463.8810

Jose Rodriguez 512 463 0129 (Fax) 512.463.7100

Carlos Uresti 512 463 0119 (Fax) 512.463.1017

Royce West 512 463 0123 (Fax) 512.463.0299

Judith Zaffirini 512 463 0121 (Fax) 512.475.3738

We can't expect someone else to do this for us. When a Lyme patient in Massachusetts phoned Sen. Dan Patrick's office last Friday 4-15-11 on behalf of our SB 1360, she was told hers was the FIRST call he had received!  WHAT?  Where are our support groups when we need them to make phone calls? This is VITAL!