Important Update on SB 1360

I know that these posts must be getting old, but I am writing you once again to ask for assistance in help us get Senate Bill, SB 1360, and House Bill, HB 2975 passed so that the state of Texas will recognize Lyme disease and treat it. Your efforts will change the course of many lives.

It has already been addressed in the Senate Health and Services Committee and the House Public Health Committee, but now we wait to see if Senator Nelson is going to schedule a date to vote on the bill. We need to push for putting it on the calendar so soon.

Here are the steps we (the Lyme patients in Texas) need you to take. It will take less than a minute: 

CALL SENATOR NELSON"S OFFICE (even if you called before the hearing): 
(512) 463-0112

SAY: I am calling on behalf of Martha Boykin (or the Lyme patients in Texas) to ask Senator Nelson to move forward with scheduling BSB 1360 in support of tick-borne illnesses. Please ask her to schedule a voting time and to support it.

JUST IN CASE: If they try to pass you to Senator Harris' office, say, "No, I am calling to ask Senator Nelson to schedule a place on the calendar for the committee to vote on the bill and to ask her to support it."

(If you know me, you can just tell them that I have had a difficult time finding a doctor to treat Lyme in Texas and add anything else that you know.)

Martha Paschall-Boykin
A co-founder of the North Texas Lyme Support Group

"For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper
you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."