2012 Facilitator Positions Open

As mentioned at our September meeting, Patti is stepping down at the end of December. I have greatly enjoyed working with her in 2011. She has been a great asset to the group. However, to keep the group thriving and moving forward in 2012, we are in need of 2-3 co-facilitators to assist in running our group. Ours is the only active Lyme group in our area and many need the support and education that is provided by our group, but I can't do it alone. If you are interested in helping, please contact me at paschalltwin@yahoo.com or 901.827.9130.


Will plan & facilitate 3-4 meetings per year, with the Facilitator's (Martha) assistance.(Depending on number of facilitators)
Commit to attend 9 out of the 12 meetings.
Will assist other facilitators when needed.
Bring in 1-2 speakers per year: LLMD, nutritionist, therapist, or other.
Attend facilitator's/board meetings, only 2 per year.
Work as a team for the benefit of the NTX Lyme Support Group.
Must be a believer in Christ as this is a bible-based group.

I realize that we all have personal lives and other responsibilities. It sounds like a lot of responsibility on paper, but it is really not if split up between many facilitators. If you are at all interested, but need more information, please contact me at 901.827.9130