House Bill 2975 Update

This information has recently come down the pike--
CSHB 2975 has been scheduled for debate on the Daily House Calendar on Saturday, May 7. I’m not sure what time they’re convening and if they take the bills in order. Our bill is toward the end of the agenda which is posted here:

Rep. Hunter will be introducing an amendment to the bill during debate to add some language that was accidentally omitted from the Committee substitute. We are hoping that he will also engage in a bit of scripted Q&A with another Rep. to establish legislative intent for the bill – namely, to let the TMB know that the legislature is serious about them laying off Lyme doctors.

I don’t think it does much for all of us to attend on Saturday. Members don’t really pay much attention to the gallery during debate. You’re not allowed to hoot and holler or cheer for or against a bill. So I’m not recommending that everyone show up for it.

Now is the time to call your State Representative and ask them to support HB 2975. To find out who your State Rep is, visit this website < >, enter your address and be sure to select “House” under the “District Type” pop up menu. Call the number on the website for the Capitol Phone, and say something along the lines of:

“Hi, My name is _______ and I live in Representative ______’s district. I’m calling to ask him/her to support House Bill 2975 which is scheduled for floor debate on Saturday. I have Lyme disease and this bill will really help me get access to quality medical care here in Texas. It’s an agreed bill with no opposition so I really hope that Representative ____ will vote for it. Thank you!”

Once passed by the House, it will move back to the Senate for a floor vote. Keep your fingers crossed!

To watch as the bill moves through stages, go here.